Thursday, 22 October 2015

Survey Results (Click Images To Enlarge):

Survey Results from 20 people:

This question was useful due to the fact that it allowed me to see what the audience expects from crime drama football trailer. From question one it is clear that after looking at the percentages on ranking at the bottom of the screenshot, the most favoured order is: Tension/conflict (1), Violence/fighting (2), Football chanting (3). This will allow me to base my production around the results gained from my potential target audience, in order to keep them interested.

This was useful because it indicated the iconic types and brands of clothing associated with football hooliganism. My results showed that some clothing brands were more popular than others, for instance the two clear favourites were 'Adidas Gazelle's' (40%) and 'Stone Island' (30%). By knowing this it will allow me as the producer to try and focus the costumes/clothing on those particular brands, in order to meet the audiences demands.

This question caused much controversy and a divide in opinion from my survey participants. Some views that were negative included; There is a representation of football fans as hooligans...violent and aggressive. Behaving like pack animals. They are working class. ..white and loud. Something i would avoid", "People to avoid". However positive comments included; "It's all about comradery, if you haven't experienced it then it's hard to understand. From the outside they can seem very threatening. I would associate casual clothing, drinking culture and the working class", "Football hooligans are not bad people. Just your average lads who enjoy a bit of a thrill at the weekend". This will allow me to identify how others see football hooligans,                                                                               and base my group of actors off of these opinions!  

The question I wrote was helpful to find out what others felt the age of a modern football hooligan was, it was clear that the most common age was 16-20 (52.3%) closely followed by 21-30 (36.8%). This personally i good for me due to my age being 17 and most of my potential actors being around the same age! This is allow me to base my actors around the most common age group according to my results, leading to meeting my potential target audiences demands.

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